Category Archives: Personal Growth


Did you ever have the experience of hearing a few casual words and having them hit you so profoundly it shifts your way of seeing the world? I saw a dear friend yesterday (one that I do not see nearly enough) and a quick, four word sentence from her has completely changed my life. That…


The day started as usual. My son, J woke up and climbed into his parent’s bed ready to watch his morning shows. I lean in for our morning snuggle to instead be greeted by a morning sneeze. “Uuuugggghhhhh!” Being sneezed on any time of the day is the pits but first thing in the morning?…

Confessions of an all or nothing girl…my quest for balance on the road to better health

I love to eat gluten. Why does it get such a bad rap these days? Pasta with butter is one of my favorite meals. It’s what we were all raised on for goodness sake. What happened to good ol’ Kraft Mac and Cheese? I don’t dare admit to having a box of it in the…

Losses and Gains

The good news is I am not pregnant. (I really thought I was.) The bad news is I am not pregnant. (I just look like I am.) I have gained ten pounds in two months. That is very ambitious eating. For the past two months I have been either eating food or shopping for food…

The Tao of J Lo

For those that know me or read this blog, you know I have been yoga obsessed for the past 8 months. I love it so much. It has ended my 6 year struggle with lower back pain, it has flattened my giggly middle (see Stuck in the Middle, Oct 2010), it has calmed my mind…

Changing My Tune From the Holiday Blues

I just ate three red and green sprinkled pop tarts – the holiday season must be here! For years now I have come to dread the holiday season. We never have a good place to put the tree, the decorations make me feel smothered and I am ready to go to blows every time I…

I knew this day would come…

As I write this blog post, I am dunking my Oreos in a tall glass of petit sirah (thank you Nora). Experts are indeed correct to say that chocolate and wine pair nicely. This odd combo is my recovery meal after spending 3 ½ hours driving home from Brooklyn (62 miles). I can now say…

The $10,000 cat

I was looking at my cat today when a wave of sentiment came rushing over me. As I sat and gave her some pats I actually started to well up with tears. She turned 13 in July. That doesn’t sound so earth-shattering but put another way, I have had this cat for 13 years of…

Blonde Ambition

I was watching Oprah the other day when Mary J. Blige was on. It was a feature about her rise out of the projects to be the success she is today. This got me thinking. I am sure the misery of the projects is motivation to work your ass off to make a better life…

No Sleep till…Enlightenment

When I started writing this post about a month ago, I could control the thoughts running rampant in my head as well as I can control my three year old son. Enough said. My thoughts a month ago… When my mother died at the end of 2004 it started me on a road of spiritual…