Back in the spring, I had a visit with the amazing woman, Robbyne LaPlant, Robbyne is a spiritual messenger, attuned to many dimensions of our world that most of us are not. She travels all around the world, sharing her gifts and also enriching her own life with experiences in such far reaching places as Tibet, New Zealand, and China. What a stroke of universal alignment that Robbyne would be giving a workshop in my backyard (or at least the backyard of my neighbor Barbara! It was a magical opportunity I had to chat with Robbyne about my life’s purpose. Now, I have always done pretty well for myself. My mother used to say I was born under a lucky star. I am sure that is true. My life has unfolded quite nicely. I have the love of a great man, a beautiful child, a wonderful family and home. I enjoy every day.
Everyone has one area of their lives that is a sticking point. That area you just can’t get traction because you can’t get out of your own way. For some it’s love, for some money. For me, it has been career. Although dearest Janet tells me I am a success with all I have accomplished, and I love you for that! I still feel there is so much untapped potential that I run from, instead of tapping it!! I know it is my writing. I have two books in me that gnaw quite frequently. And I have promised myself I will resume when school starts in two short weeks. Yet, even though I know this is what I should be doing, I jumped at the chance to sit with Robbyne when she was in town in the spring, to help me figure out my “soul’s purpose” this lifetime. I thought, “if someone would just tell me what to focus on, I can run with it.” And she didn’t disappoint. We had the most amazing conversation. She gave me clarity on questions I have had for a decade. She effortlessly answered all of my “Why’s”.
And getting back to that soul’s purpose. Her answer to that help bring beauty into the world. I instantly loved that! Who wouldn’t love that job? And, I thought the timing was good to mix it up with my blog. This url has been a landing pad for my musings about life and a sounding board for whatever is going on at the moment. But, I feel that has run it’s course and it is time to reinvent. What a great time for StaceyLu to help bring beauty into the world! So, my design blog is born! No applause please. My first project worth posting was my current kitchen remodel. I love a good before and after. The project is almost done so it wont be too long to wait for the “after.”
The “before” kitchen was fine, really, but slightly too maple-y for my taste. I am a white kitchen girl. And when my husband asked me what I wanted for my fortieth birthday…
Painting the cabinets turned into a whole remodel extravaganza that will be unveiled next week. In the “after” I will discuss the process and materials used.
Stay tuned friends!