My whole life, I was never much of a sharer. Only children are like that. Growing up I preferred to remain an enigma, which is just a fancy way of saying “not many friends.” I had a couple solids and that was enough for me.
I remember from my college days the two terms “specialist” and “generalist.” You were one or the other. I was always a generalist but so wanted to be a specialist. I wanted to be passionate about something so much that I would become the Reigning Thought Leader in my field of expertise. Well, I am still waiting to fall in love with something so much that it keeps my attention for more than a year. You can’t be a Reigning Thought Leader on something you studied for a year. So, until that day comes that I eat, drink, and sleep some subject that lights me up for a decade, I remain a generalist. And that’s ok. This site is my playground, peppered with information about all of the topics I find so delicious, I can’t choose just one. So have fun exploring my site. I am happy to share all of these wonderful ideas and tidbits of information with you. If there is something you love here, please let me know at If there is something you would like to see here, please let me know that too.
I started writing my blog in early 2010 as a way of “journaling to the world.” My stories are everyone else’s stories. People love discovering they aren’t alone in their experiences. We all love “me too” moments.