The illustrious, miracle product Sun-In, graced the market with it’s presence in 1984. I was in the 6th grade and I was instantly smitten. I was born a tow-head. I was a glorious, white haired goddess that ruled the world, or at least my immediate surroundings, from the time I sprouted hair. My locks were…
I had a huge epiphany three minutes ago. Catalog season is in full swing (82 days until Christmas!) and it hit me like a ton of bricks, literally just now… You (or I should say Me, or I) can tell a lot about yourself (myself) by the clothing catalogs you (I) order from. Oh,…
“You’re not reading this AGAIN? Are you? Are YOU??” He asked me accusingly. “No!” I shouted back too quickly. Everyone knew I was lying. I started to laugh and blushed beyond belief. “So then WHY is there a bookmark in it? Why? Why?” He was firing accusations at me so fast, all I could do…
I had a few alternate titles to this blog post: Ode to Wine (but I can’t write a song so that didn’t work), Why Life is Better Drunk (my favorite title but I felt a bit harsh for this crowd), and Yay for Alcohol (but I do have teenage stepkids and what kind of example…
2012…a time of change? The end of the world? Upheaval? New consciousness? Age of Aquarius? Call it what you want, but no one can hide from the shift that is happening on the planet right now. It is the most exquisite time to be alive. Is it the end of the world? No, but it…
So I had an altercation with a traffic cop yesterday that set my whole day off on a bad note. I couldn’t figure out what was bugging me more; his abuse of authority or his tone when he called me ma’am. Both were unwelcomed. Maybe he was having a bad day, although it was 9am…
Many of you are aware that my book Eat, Drink and Remarry is hot off the presses. In the short time I have been marketing my book, I have had the good fortune to connect with many wonderful people in the wedding business. One person in particular is Paula Bisacre. Paula is…
Did you ever have the experience of hearing a few casual words and having them hit you so profoundly it shifts your way of seeing the world? I saw a dear friend yesterday (one that I do not see nearly enough) and a quick, four word sentence from her has completely changed my life. That…
The day started as usual. My son, J woke up and climbed into his parent’s bed ready to watch his morning shows. I lean in for our morning snuggle to instead be greeted by a morning sneeze. “Uuuugggghhhhh!” Being sneezed on any time of the day is the pits but first thing in the morning?…
I love to eat gluten. Why does it get such a bad rap these days? Pasta with butter is one of my favorite meals. It’s what we were all raised on for goodness sake. What happened to good ol’ Kraft Mac and Cheese? I don’t dare admit to having a box of it in the…