Author Archives: staceylu

The $10,000 cat

I was looking at my cat today when a wave of sentiment came rushing over me. As I sat and gave her some pats I actually started to well up with tears. She turned 13 in July. That doesn’t sound so earth-shattering but put another way, I have had this cat for 13 years of…

How to raise a great husband

There has been an epidemic of lousy husbands lately. Or at least lousy husband behavior. It has come to my attention that teaching boys to be good husbands starts at age 3. I want my son to have a golden life. I want him to have it all. But there is a difference between having…

I am a romantic movie junkie

I can’t seem to control my obsession with romantic movies. I have to classify it as an addiction. The definition of addiction is any behavior that interferes with daily activities and prevents you from creating value in your life. That is my case with romance. It started in 2005 the first time I watched Pride…

Blonde Ambition

I was watching Oprah the other day when Mary J. Blige was on. It was a feature about her rise out of the projects to be the success she is today. This got me thinking. I am sure the misery of the projects is motivation to work your ass off to make a better life…

No Sleep till…Enlightenment

When I started writing this post about a month ago, I could control the thoughts running rampant in my head as well as I can control my three year old son. Enough said. My thoughts a month ago… When my mother died at the end of 2004 it started me on a road of spiritual…

So long Daisy Mae

Owning a pet is guaranteed to end in heartache, simply because they don’t live very long. At some point in the life of a pet owner, you will have to deal with mortality. Saturday, we said farewell to our beloved Daisy. She was an 11 year old sweetheart of a cat who loved nothing more…

What’s your thing?

You may have read my post “Suck big” about my experience in February skiing. Since that experience I have been asking myself the question, “What’s my thing?” Everyone should be good at something. Everyone, especially adolescents, need accomplishments in their lives to help foster self-confidence. When you have faith in yourself and your capabilities, you…

Suck Big

This February break, we took the family skiing. I have not been on skis for 20 years. I would like to say I had a very open mind going into my first (and last) day of skiing but looking back, that can’t possibly be true. I have never been an athlete. I never cared about…

Saying goodbye to the cookie biz!

I didn’t think formally removing myself from the confectionary world was going to be a big deal. My heart hasn’t been in baking since, well, my heart was never in baking so I didn’t give much lead up to the emails and phone calls to my customers telling them StaceyLu was moving on. I didn’t…