Everyone has their kids in cars stories. Parents drive their kids around, listening to their nutty conversations with friends and singing the wrong lyrics to every song on the radio. Here’s mine… Last week we happened upon a catchy summer tune (in November, mind you) by Nelly. Ride Wit Me debuted in 2004. There aren’t…
What was it I said about the kitchen being done in a week? Jeez! Little did I know the pendant lights would take almost three months to come in! So, my new kitchen is old news (to me) except the pendants, which were hung on Monday. They really do complete the room. I am…
Back in the spring, I had a visit with the amazing woman, Robbyne LaPlant, www.whitewolfjourneys.com. Robbyne is a spiritual messenger, attuned to many dimensions of our world that most of us are not. She travels all around…
I have decided it is time to change things up a bit. For the past three years, this blog has been devoted to the written word. Now, in 2013, it seems most people have little time for the written word. For that reason, I have moved to pictures. If it is indeed true that a…
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of…
I will share with you a conversation I had with my 3 year old last week as we sat on the couch: J: “What’s this?” (He pushes his finger into my abdomen and watches the first half [of his finger] disappear as if sinking into a wad of pizza dough.) Me: “What’s what?” J: “This.”…
Owning a pet is guaranteed to end in heartache, simply because they don’t live very long. At some point in the life of a pet owner, you will have to deal with mortality. Saturday, we said farewell to our beloved Daisy. She was an 11 year old sweetheart of a cat who loved nothing more…